From Our Own Borealis Blog

Science: A Love Lost and Found

Over the next few weeks, Science Borealis is excited to feature a series of stories developed for a story-telling event […]

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You can check out anytime you like…but you can never leave

Over the next few weeks, Science Borealis is excited to feature a series of stories developed for a story-telling event held at the joint conference of the Society of Canadian Ornithologists, Association of Field Ornithology, and Wilson Ornithological Society in July 2024. These stories were prepared with the help of Borealis Blog editors and polished for oral presentation by...

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Seeing signs of osteoarthritis before joint replacements necessary

A November 29, 2024 Canadian Light Source (CLS) news release (also received via email) by Brian Owens describes research that could benefit people who don’t know they have the beginning signs of osteoarthritis, An imaging technique currently available only at synchrotrons like the Canadian Light Source at the University of Saskatchewan (USask) could one day...

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Jean Mills: The “Before” that Sparked After the Wallpaper Music

Welcome to Cantastic Authorpalooza, featuring posts by and about great Canadian children’s book creators! Today’s guest: Jean Mills. Take it away, Jean! Like most authors, I use the world around me – especially my own world of experience – to create stories for young readers. So it’s not hard to identify the spark that ignited...

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Seal singers in Antarctica: From love songs to ultrasonic vocalizations

Seals are among the most fascinating creatures to call Antarctica’s icy waters and shores home. Their remote, vast habitat makes studying them a real challenge, and scientists are only beginning to uncover the secrets of these elusive animals. Among the most intriguing mysteries? Their haunting, otherworldly vocalizations. We’ve heard about the enchanting songs of humpback...

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CGT SWOT analysis offers clues on where the industry is heading

Credit: Jason D. Williams, CCO, Wikimedia Commons If you’re reading this, you’re probably aware of the massive strides the cell and gene therapy (CGT) industry has made in the last few years. Between 2017 and 2022, six CGT products were approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, but we saw eight approvals in 2023...

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